After the integration, your website visitors can subscribe to push notifications by allowing notifications in a permission prompt. You can configure this prompt in the Prompt & Bell section.

Here is the Prompt & Bell section.

To customize your permission prompt follow the next steps.

  1. Click Permission Prompt
  2. In Platform, you can choose Desktop and Mobile to configure settings for desktop and mobile devices separately.
  3. Among Appearance options, select the type of your prompt. By default, it is Toast.

ℹ️ The native permission prompt is not available anymore. If it was specified in your settings previously, you need to choose from the given appearance options.

  1. Location options are for choosing a place where your prompt is displayed: top/bottom, right/left corner, in the center of the screen.

  2. In the Show drop-down list, you can choose when to display your prompt.

There are three options.

ℹ️ Note that the countdown starts after all the website scripts are uploaded.

ℹ️ The page refresh is also considered a new page visit.