STEP 1: Go to Firebase Console -

1.1 Create a new project or move to a previously created project.

1.2 Go to project settings.

1.3 Select the Cloud Messaging tab

STEP 2: Generate push notification keys

2.1 At the bottom of the page, in the Web Configuration section, select "Generate key pair".

STEP 3: Save Push Notification Keys

3.1 Copy the received key and send it to the Support specialist marked as Public Key

Example: Public Key - BP7E0SP1S90AgpyBX-dTvEOfeXSSqnqLAKmHalqOrTYfIA_vK5EkEjGF0NyYUQG4Kpzs4-BVUCWXlYvEsCKyYBM

3.2 Select menu - Advanced (represented by 3 dots)

3.3 Select the menu item - "Show private key"

3.4 Copy the key you received and give it to Support specialist marked Private Key